You can find my interview with Michele Norris on All Things Considered archived at NPR here. I'm home now until this coming Monday, when I fly to Nebraska to work in three schools -- I'm excited about this, as I've never been to Nebraska, and both LITTLE BIRD and ALL-STARS are Golden Sower nominees. State lists have been so good to my books.
Thank you again, Gussie Lewis at Politics & Prose, Lisa Triggs at the Maret School, Michele Norris at NPR, Michelle Atherholt and Ann Duncan at Spring Ridge Elementary School in Frederick, Maryland, Marlene and Tom England of Dancing Bear Toys in Frederick, Cindy Powell of Needles & Pins in Frederick, and the Frederick City Police Activity League (PAL), and Janice Smith at Horizon Elementary School in Sterling, Virginia. Thank you for your dedication to bringing books and young readers together, and highlighting the fact that we all have stories to share, even the youngest of us.
I'll post the entire Shoestring Tour schedule here on the blog, and at my website, later today. I had a long, hot bath in the new, deep tub last night (bliss) and this morning my hair is making a statement -- I look like a Conehead. Oh, the joys of being home. I'm making my way to my desk, where taxes and paperwork await. Soon, I'll be digging into the writing again -- but today is for catch-up.
Maybe I'll read some Winnie the Pooh, too. I've returned home to my own Hundred Acre Wood, and it's very fine to be here.