2. The possibility of renting a beach house on Folly Beach (aren't those photos luscious?) in Charleston for a week this summer. Should I? I've found two I love. We haven't gotten away for a week, as a family, just to get away, in 8 years -- maybe it's time.
3. These two books, published before I was born and full of excellent old advice. And terrible old assumptions!
6. The delicious anticipation of a family visit next weekend.
7. This book, which I am carefully (and noisily) making my way through. I love Pete's writing voice as much as his instruction. This is a classic.
9. The summer crops coming in at the farmer's market. Bought my first sunsweets this week.
10. This thrift store find. Two bucks. Now it needs cushions. Where is Hannah? :>
Have a great weekend!