outward bound

Hey, y'all. I'm heading into a time of being away more than home, and trying to write a novel at the same time. Hmmmm.....

I fly this morning to D.C., to work at The Langley School for three days. Personal narrative writing with grades 3 through 8. Can't wait. My bags are packed... etc.

I fly home on Wed. night and fly out again on Thursday to Daytona Beach, where I'll speak and sign at SIBA -- Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance. I love SIBA, and am so looking forward to seeing my bookselling friends again.
 Home and then out again to Birmingham and Scottsboro, Alabama, for some work with my southern region Scholastic Book Fairs friends.

Then it's October. And October is more packed than September. That's saying something.

Countdown will be front-and-center this fall with SBFs, and I'm proud to be essentially on tour with Fairs this fall. I'm looking forward to the good work and good friends along the way.

It has been a packed summer. Hard to find writing time. I've given in to the need for rest between travels and events and have slept in most early-mornings, mornings that used to be set-aside for writing. Maybe I can get that rhythm going again this fall as I travel. Maybe not. In any case, book two is coming with me today, and throughout the fall. Here's to getting a messy draft to Scholastic by the end of the year. More about that soon.

Thanks for coming with me this summer, and for keeping me company on the road this fall. It's good to travel with friends.


  1. My mom used to work at Little Langley a gazillion years ago.

    Have fun!

  2. Just re-read EACH LITTLE BIRD. Read it the first time just after it was published, when it got me through the death of a close friend. Today, I have no particular tragedy, but it turned me inside-out all over again. BTW, I am a 51-year-old children;s librarian, mother of three grown-ups, and Mommy to my two dogs. So I live what I believe: adults must read GOOD children's books. You are a gift to librarians and readers and teachers everywhere. Thank you, and for the record, I tell myself, always, that Dismay comes back. I have to.


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