ANTHEM is coming, chapter 20

ANTHEM, Book 3 of the Sixties Trilogy, publishes on October 1. Each of the book's 47 chapters begins with a song from the Sixties to set the tone, mood, and scene. Every day between now and October 1, come have a listen and read a snippet from each chapter. On October 1, these posts will be archived with a link at ANTHEM's webpage for #teachingAnthem1969
This is Chapter 20 (day 28):

Written by Wilson Pickett and Steve Cropper
Performed by Wilson Pickett
Recorded at Stax Records, Memphis, Tennessee 1966
Drummer: Al Jackson, Jr.

Our second supper together, thought Molly. She had found a can of beef stew in the box and they'd added it to their feast, splitting it three ways after warming it on a grate over the fire.
"Bus didn't sound too good over those hills last night," said Ray.
"I know," said Norman. "It struggles with hills."
"Are we all right?" Molly asked.
Norman shrugged. "We've got to be."
 The sun painted the sky with its oranges, yellows, pinks, and reds.


Another Wilson Pickett, this one, "In the Midnight Hour," recorded at Stax Records in Memphis, Tennessee. So maybe you can figure out where our small band of travelers is heading.

"In the Midnight Hour" gives me a chance to highlight how those late night conversations -- like the one Molly, Norman, and Ray are about to have -- can reveal truths we couldn't contemplate in the heat of the day. 

So. A significant turning point here for Molly, in her thinking about her place in the world, as compared to others'. And a new direction for Molly and Norman to explore, both internally and externally.

The plot turns.

Chapter 20.  

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