"a rigorous copy-editing"

How to get ready to receive "a rigorous copy editing" job on your manuscript:

1. Visit son Zach's potted vegetable garden and marvel at the organic okra, cucumbers, eggplant and tomatoes.
2. Squeeze in a cookout between showers.
3. Eat lots of scrambled eggs.
4. Buy a rug.
5. Rearrange the furniture.
6. Pick daisies in the garden.
5. Meet with staff to discuss editor's letter. Just what does it mean when he writes, "I know you will welcome the rigor of the queries, and indeed they are rigorous..." and "You'll see comments of many colors..."
6. Practice banjo.
7. Eat a tomato sandwich.
8. Take the long view. It's going to be so good when it's over!
Time to get to work.

Have a great weekend! You know what I'll be doing...

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